
Welcome to Cokesbury United Methodist Church, located in beautiful Lebanon, New Jersey.

Church Calendar

About the Methodist Church

The mission of the United Methodist Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

The Mission and Vision of Cokesbury UMC: Cokesbury is a welcoming church family rooted in our faith in Christ; worshipping God and caring for people near and far in need. When the world looks at us it should see Jesus Christ.

What’s Going On at CUMC

Red Bird Mission

This is Earline Lawson from Jack’s Creek, Kentucky. She is widowed, lives alone deep in a holler in the hills of Appalachia, she sleeps with a six-gun under her pillow, and keeps a machete behind her chair. She is also as sweet as can be. Last summer I had the honor and blessing to lead …


Lent is the 40 days of preparation for Easter. During Lent we are invited to practice spiritual disciplines of prayer, reflection, repentance and fasting.

Soles 4 Souls

Good morning friends- Last March we began a shoe collection at Cokesbury UMC to benefit Soles4Souls. Although there was no goal set for the collection, I thought 50 pairs would be pretty good. With the enthusiastic participation of all, it quickly became a strong possibility that the collection would reach 500 pairs. At that time, I …


Address: 230 Cokesbury Rd, Lebanon, NJ 08833
Phone: (908) 236-6151
Email: cokesburynj@gmail.com